
Friday, July 3, 2009

Gratitude Beyond Words

I often find myself using the phrase "I wish I had words to express my gratitude," but I truly have many moments where the words "Thank You"are just not enough to portray the appreciation of my heart.

As the month of July begins, I again find myself speechless because of the deep gratitude that I feel in my heart. I have a vast number of things to be grateful for, but I will list only some of them for the sake of length. (I am going to try to begin shortening my blogs, as well as blogging on a more regular basis. There has been a solution to my computer problems; therefore, I should be able to use my computer more frequently.)

First, I am deeply grateful to God that I am alive today. As many of you know, I was extremely ill for an extended period of time, including being bedridden for two weeks. I was diagnosed with two serious African illnesses, one being Malaria. I have never experienced illness to the extent that I reached during the months of May and June, but I praise the Lord I am now healed and am on my way to total recovery. I am also thankful for all of the prayers that were offered on my behalf. I know that they are the reason I am alive today!

Secondly, I am thankful for the American team that came and ministered to the people of Kyenjojo. It was truly a dream come true for me. On one particular day as I was sitting down eating lunch at the medical team area, I became overcome with emotion as I witnessed all that was taking place. I felt inexpressible joy as I watched people receiving both physical and spiritual treatment. I thought to myself, "The message of God's love is surely being sent out to this community."

I am confident that many of the Ugandans who interacted with the American team will never forget that interaction. It will be permantely engraved in their hearts. Even if all of their poverty and suffering is not removed, they will always be thankful for the "muzungu" who was willing to fly the whole way across the ocean to show them that there is a God in Heaven who sees them and loves them. I praise God for this blessing! It is definitely the desire of my heart to see God's love touching many-all around the world.

Thirdly, I want to thank God for all of you, and thank you personally. It is truly a beautiful thing to see how God is using all of us together to fulfill his vision for Kyenjojo. I am very aware that I could not accomplish these tasks on my own and am deeply humbled as I continue to find people who are willing to partner with me. You bless and encourage me. You give me courage and strength. You are the wind beneath my wings. Your prayers are moving mountains and opening up the Heavens! God is using you to make a difference in my life and the lives of many others in Uganda. May you be richly blessed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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