
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Small Beginnings

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zechariah’s hand.” Zechariah 4:10

When seeking to implement a large vision, it can sometimes be disheartening to take small steps or see only small beginnings. However, this verse has brought such encouragement to my heart because it gives the Lord’s perspective on the work, not our perspective. The Lord rejoices to see those small beginnings because it is a beginning. When we take those small steps and make those small beginnings, we are showing Him that we believe in him enough to take a step forward. We are saying, “I believe you are able to make this vision come to pass; therefore, I am more than willing to begin.” When we make the choice to begin the work, we are not looking at what we see today, but we are looking at what we see in future years. What has kept me in Uganda for these three month is not what I have seen on the ground or in the physical, but what I have seen in the spiritual. It may not appear that much work has been accomplished, and sometimes I am tempted to ask myself what major contributions have I made during this time. But then I call to mind this verse, and I continue to encourage myself that the work has begun. (I even put my own name in place of Zechariah’s name.) The plumb line was a very important step in the construction process. It may appear to be something very small and insignificant, but it lays the foundation for a strong structure. I know that important foundations are being laid for the Children’s Village. I know God is at work in Kyenjojo, and I know He is rejoicing because small beginnings are being made for the Children’s Village. I am thankful to be serving the Lord here, and I am fully trusting in Him to enable me to accomplish the task for which I was created and pursue the calling the Lord has given me.

We sometimes may be tempted to ask the Lord “Why are things not happening at a quicker pace? Am I doing something wrong? Are you hearing the prayers of your people? Do you not see the needs of the people around me?” I must be honest that I am very eager to have structures and children on the Children’s Village. I see the suffering children around me, and I desperately want to help them. I want to do much to help the needy of this area. Nevertheless, I am learning there is a time and season for everything, and a process for things to happen. (In Africa, this process may take a little longer than what I am accustomed to) I am continuing to learn to have complete faith and confidence in the promises of the Lord and in His character. It says in Zechariah 2:13, “Be silent before the Lord, all humanity, for he is springing into action from his holy dwelling.” I am learning to be silent and thankful before the Lord for the small beginnings and continue to focus on the big results that I see in the future. I am challenged to look with my eyes of faith and keep moving forward-to rejoice at the small beginnings (which are really BIG beginnings in the eyes of God) and see that greater things are on the way!

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