
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Walking into a Miracle

I was walking in Kampala, and I accidentally stepped on the back of a woman's shoe. I immediately said, "I'm sorry," and the woman said, "It's okay. You can go around me. I'm weak." I walked around her and continued walking, but as I did I her words "I'm weak" kept echoing in my ears and mind." I thought, "She must be sick." I felt a strong tug in my heart that I should go back and ask her if she was sick and if I could pray for her. I was nervous about going back to talk to her, but I knew it was something I had to do. I turned around and looked for her. At first, I couldn't see her, but then I finally spotted her. I quickly walked to where she was and proceeded to talk to her. During our conversation, I found out that she had been in a taxi accident a year ago. Ever since then, her foot had become crippled, and she had to stop working. As she shared her story, she continued to emphasize that God had kept her and her children throughout this difficult time. She really praised the Lord for His faithfulness and told me that she would not have made it if it were not for him. She told me she knew the Lord loved her and that even today he had used me to remind her of that. She had tears in her eyes as she spoke to me, and I felt my heart connect with hers in a powerful way. She told me that she prayed the Lord would bless me with a greater anointing to pray for the sick and bless my family and ministry. Then she continued to thank me for coming back. She told me she was very touched by my actions and that she is even going to consider me as one of her daughters. She told me that she would pray for me faithfully every day and the ministry God has called me to do. We exchanged contact information, and then I walked away.

As I did, my heart was so full. This simple gesture had not produced a physical miracle-I'm still praying for that-, but it had performed a miracle of the heart. I knew that this woman had been deeply touched, and I was also touched. I was blessed in my heart by her words and facial expressions. I knew that God had reached down and touched her today. Not because of who I am or what I did, but because I stopped to listen for the heart of God.

Many times in life we grow busy with our own lives and agendas. We forget to listen for God's heart. We can't feel the Master's "tug" on our heart because our pace of life or personal cares drown it out. I wonder how many opportunities for miracles or blessings we have missed just because we were too busy to listen for the heart of God. I pray that even in the midst of all of my cares and responsibilities, I will always take time to listen for the heart of my Master and follow His leading to those who desperately need His touch, those who need to know that there is a God who sees them and their condition, those He wants to remind of His love and care.

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