
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Called to Love

As I have spent the last four months in Africa, I have realized more than anything that I am called to love. It is my desire to bring hope to the hopeless, rescue the abandoned, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, offer water to the thirsty, and bring education to the illiterate. Yet, I have found that the most important gift that I have to offer the world is love. I have found that our actions make the greatest impact only when they are compelled by a sincere love from deep inside the heart. It may appear easy to drop a coin to a homeless child sitting on the street in a pile of urine, but a deep love and compassion for that child may compel you to hold the child on your lap and pray for him. It may seem easy to toss a coin to a beggar on the street, but true love for that woman may require you to stop and greet her-to take her hand in your hand and look her in the eye-to speak kind words to her and tell her that Jesus loves her. Having a compassionate heart for the hurting may involve experiencing pain in your own heart as you empathize with those less fortunate than yourself. True love will require time and sacrifice, but it will always prove to be worthwhile. It may look different everyday, but it will always be driven by sincere compassion. As Mother Theresa quoted, "It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters."It is my desire to carry more love every day. As I reach out to others, I don't want them to just receive something of monetary value. I want them to receive something of eternal value-the love of Christ.
I will share more about my experiences. I am returning to the US tomorrow; therefore, I will have easy access to the computer and internet.
I pray God's blessings on each one of you. Thank you for your love and support.

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