
Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Week of Experiencing God’s Love

This week has been a wonderful week in Mozambique! God continues to bless my life as I get the opportunity to bless the Mozambicans. It has been very rewarding to be here. I greatly enjoy spending time with the people-trying to dance, speak their language, etc. They laugh at me most of the time, and I laugh with them. I find that it t is a wonderful expression of love and friendship. God has definitely given me such a love for the African people. I say that sometimes my heart feels as though it will explode with joy because I am so happy to be in Africa. I praise God for giving me such a love for the people here. I know that God loves these people immensely. I am humbled by the fact that he has chosen me to be a bearer of his love to these people. I pray that wherever I go I will always take Jesus and His love with me. I want to be so full of God’s presence that Jesus is all they see when they look at me.

I have also found that as I love the African people, God has been speaking to me about his love for me. He has really been touching my heart this week with his faithful and unfailing love. It is so beautiful that Jesus love never fails. It is so encouraging to know that no matter what we face or what we do; Jesus will always be there and will never stop loving us.

I have also been challenged to go even deeper in intimacy with Jesus. God has really been speaking to my heart about being his bride. I have always heard of this analogy and read about it in the Bible, but this week God has made it very real to my heart. The king of the universe has chosen me to be his bride. He has chosen me to bestow his grace and love upon. I have been sensing that God wants me to truly commit all of my love and life to him. I have been challenged to place Jesus as my highest priority-even over ministering to the Africans. It is very easy to get busy doing good things for the Lord and not take time to love Jesus and let him love on you. However, we must not forget that in order to always have enough love to give away, we have to be continually filled with Jesus love. If I seek to love or minister to others in my own strength, I will eventually grow tired and weary, and my well of love will run dry. I have to have my well full of the living water that Jesus gives, in order to give that refreshing and reviving water to others.

I pray that the love of Jesus will also be made real to you. I pray that you will feel his love even greater than you have ever felt it before. God bless everyone! Thank you for your love and prayers. I deeply appreciate you.